
Treatment Centers by City

  • Renfrew Center
  • Renfrew Center
    is located at 320 King of Prussia Road Wayne, PA. 19087 and can be contacted by calling 610-527-9360. Renfrew Center offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
    Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay

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  • Many experts in genetics estimate that over 50% of the causes of alcohol dependence are due to genes that lead to an increased "vulnerability" to alcoholism. A large majority of these geneticists believe that these particular genes affect some physiological component of the brain that is associated with the production of "impaired control," the hallmark of alcohol dependence.
  • Many alcoholics choose to believe that their drinking does not hurt other people. The truth is that alcoholism creates negative effects to everyone around the person with the drinking problem, especially those people who are close to the alcoholic.
  • Drunkenness is a form of escape and a maladaptive coping mechanism; however, it can happen to anyone who drinks who has any level of tolerance.
  • Studies suggest that the human brain continues to develop into a person's early 20's, and that exposure of the developing brain to alcohol may have long-lasting effects on intellectual capabilities.

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