
Treatment Centers by City

  • Redco Group Behav Health Servs
  • Redco Group Behav Health Servs
    is located at 16 South Centre Street Pottsville, PA. 17901 and can be contacted by calling 570-628-5234. Redco Group Behav Health Servs offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • It takes a tremendous strength and courage for an alcoholic to finally admit that they have a drinking problem and to reach out for the help that they are so desperately in need of.
  • Once alcohol is in the stomach, it is absorbed directly into your blood stream through the tissue lining of the stomach and the small intestine; the rate of absorption is slowed down significantly by food.
  • How can you tell whether you may have a drinking problem? Answering the following four questions can help you find out: Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (as an "eye opener") to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover? One "yes" answer suggests a possible alcohol problem. If you answered "yes" to more than one question, it is highly likely that a problem exists. Even if you answered "no" to all of the above questions, if you encounter drinking-related problems with your job, relationships, health, or the law, you should seek professional help. The effects of alcohol abuse can be extremely serious-even fatal-both to you and to others.
  • Drinking under the influence and driving while intoxicated should serve to identify problem drinkers and guide and coerce educational sessions that should last a minimum of at least one year.

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