
Treatment Centers by City

  • Holy Spirit A Geisinger Affiliate
  • Holy Spirit A Geisinger Affiliate
    is located at 503 North 21st Street Camp Hill, PA. 17011 and can be contacted by calling 717-763-2219. Holy Spirit A Geisinger Affiliate offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Inpatient Hospital Treatment, Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee

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  • Alcohol is made as plant sugars in fruits come into contact with a fungus called yeast and they begin to ferment; as they rot, they will excrete a toxic substance called ethanol or ethyl alcohol--or simply alcohol. In the fermentation process, the yeast continues to feed on the plant sugars, thus the alcohol concentration levels rise; once these levels get closer to 14 percent, the yeast dies, quite literally, of alcohol poisoning.
  • Underage drinking is involved in nearly half of all teen automobile crashes, the leading cause of death among teenagers.
  • Excessive alcohol use has immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions. These immediate effects are most often the result of binge drinking and include the following: Alcohol poisoning, a medical emergency that results from high blood alcohol levels that suppress the central nervous system and can cause loss of consciousness, low blood pressure and body temperature, coma, respiratory depression, or death.
  • Chronic heavy drinkers will often have dilated veins in the esophagus, signs of liver disease, and brain damage; another common symptom of constant excessive drinking is a loss of cognitive function.

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